Sunday, December 30, 2007

Boys Toys

I always swore I would never buy my son a toy gun and yesterday I caved. He is obsessed with them at the moment and it doesn't help that his favorite movie, The Incredibles, has "bad guys" with guns in it. He even fashioned a gun out of a toy so I just thought enough already, let him get it out of his system, let him play with a proper toy gun. Last night, he went to bed with the thing! I am hoping that by not making a big deal out of it, he will get it out of his system. I thought the more I tried to avoid him playing with guns, the more he would want to, and I do think it is only a natural thing for boys to want to play like this. He also still plays with his cars, his new pirate ship and his Diego coloring book, so all in all, I guess he is still a normal little kid and hopefully I am not growing a gun toting psycho!

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